Friday, December 5, 2008

Why I Miss Baseball

Because Dodger Fans suck!

Because all Baseball Players are smoking hot gay guys.

Because sometimes the fans are just as gay.

Because sometimes, people get punched in the face!

Finally, because animals and alien-type creatures can play the game too!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Check out these Babes

Hereeeeeee Comes our next Secretary of Babe......Hilllllllllllllaryyyyyyyy Clinton!!! Ten bucks says she punches Putin in the face in the first year.

Sad news folks, Rosie's Variety Show was cancelled after just one appearance. Apparently, it was because it was Godawful or something like it. I can't wait to see how she'll force her way into our lives and annoy us again!

And a final shout out to the greatest president in US history Wwwwwwwww!