Thursday, June 4, 2009

What a silly "notion"

So, Kings of Leon released a video for their new single, "Notion". I'd love to pretend that I'm about to rip it apart just to piss off Pat, but that's true --it's really that bad.

First of all, the song is pretty weak, but the vid features three pretty random dude-bro music video tropes, all of which make me think it was actually created 10-15 years ago:
  1. emoting against a wall (bonus points for brick, as well as facing the wall for absolutely no reason)
  2. walking against a crowd (so deep!)
  3. fire! explosions! debris! (seals the deal for dude-bro hall of fame)
check it out:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Clearly Not Fierce Enough...

So now that she's been eliminated from ANTM I can post this picture of Celia at Intermix helping Rihanna shop.

From Top Model to retail... My, how the "mighty" have "fallen".

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mariah Carey Teaches the Japanese How to Throw a Baseball

Check out her athletic high heels.

What a stupid bitch.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wizard's Magic No Match For Police Brutality

Check this out! Naked wizard gets tased. Forward to a little past 2 gets good. The guy reminds me a lot of Pat at least in the penis department.

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We Major

See that adorable floating head in the background... look familiar?

...and on Oprah (!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to tell if someone at a baseball game does not actually like baseball

They wear a jersey with their own name on it:

I'm also thankful you gave us your first initial 'the cute one' Jonas brother. Needless to say, this is one of the reasons why Pat hates the Dodgers.

Friday, March 20, 2009

this guy is cooler than E. Vedds

Look! It's a PJ cover that Paul could get behind today:

Friday, March 6, 2009

American Eye-dol

I have a theory that there are three kinds of contestants on "American Idol" who could win, but almost never do:

1. Exploitative
Personally, I am pulling for blind Art Garfunkel over here. He doesn't look half bad in this pic either... and this is pre-makeover, right? Here's to you, Scott MacIntyre

2. Deserving, but not weirdly unmarketable:
But if I had one wish it would be that sweet tatted-up Megan Joy grew into being the quirky, unique Idol I've always wanted. I mean, who could hate Reese Witherspoon's little sister?

3. Obvious would-be winner, but will be more successful as a runner up:
Lil Rounds is the shit. Seriously, I am pulling for her. Let's hope she doesn't become one-note to the judges. To be honest, I agree with Trudy that having 3 kids at home is a lot to leave behind for a reality show, but I still like her.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

youtube's greatest hits.

pat as a lil girl:

so on-point:

an oldie but a goodie:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

NY Post Headlines

I have been sending some of these individually to Pat, but I thought I would post a group of them here. The Post misses you!