Wednesday, November 19, 2008

90210 Beach Party

Dear Scott Scanlon,

Steve Sanders and Kelly Taylor threw me a 27th birthday party last week!  I wish you could have been there instead of heading to San Diego.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama, President or Undercover Party Dude? ...Brah!!

So, I totally forgot about this beautiful display of young America "rocking" the vote until I consulted with my brain, by brain i mean iPhone and by iPhone I mean iGurl. Anyway, Tuesday November 4th, 2008 was more than a monumental and historic moment in American history, it was also the drunkiest election ever!!! Citizens of the world were on a rampage and ready to explode. The Target, their minds!!

If you were in an apartment and not one of the many foot soldiers on the streets, take a gander at what the battle grounds of New York City looked like.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I wont forget the man who...America the beautiful. USA USA USA USA!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Timinator!

The Giants 24 year old pitcher Tim Lincecum won the Cy Young award today. He is just small enough to be boyishly cute for you guys and just awesome enough a pitcher for me to have a crush on him.

The last pic is of a bunch of fellow Giants virtually partying with Timmy.

Friday, November 7, 2008

What else Pat missed

I read this book!

I aspire to blogging the most boringest blogs ever blogged on this blog! Anybody just try and beat Puritan history! Anyway, this book is about my forebearers (Massachusetts Bay, 1636, holla!). Pat feels left out because it is about how my relatives liked to burn whole Indian villages alive, including women and children, and shoot to death those that tried to escape. Or, if we were light of the pocket, and didn't feel like wasting good kindling, we would sell them into slavery in Bermuda (hello vacation!) Then eventually we let them come back and build Foxwoods, and now it's the best job in the state (since we don't make nuke subs anymore).
You're welcome for the history lesson.

Pat doesn't miss anything in my life because my life is boring.

But I do still watch things on TV. Here is a clip of raw foodies on Wife Swap reacting to eating hamburgers very soberly.

My favorite part is at the end. Pay attention, and try to decide if that is poo or vomit in the toliet. I can't tell!
Also, I watched the same thing everyone else on the internet watched today:

Baby hippo! Remember the pygmy hippo they used to have at the Fresno Zoo?
Anyway, these two videos show the sum of my human emotions.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My New Hero

Hello me jiggas!!!! Here's a rather humorous video about what else....Mega Man 9! The video is of a teenage dude, who is some major video game critic who makes video from his room, who is playing Mega Man 9 for the first time. Long story short, he struggles and gets really frustrated, cusses a bunch, and is just plain hilarious. No doubt it helps if you know the game a little, but I'm sure you'll be more than entertained.