Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama, President or Undercover Party Dude? ...Brah!!

So, I totally forgot about this beautiful display of young America "rocking" the vote until I consulted with my brain, by brain i mean iPhone and by iPhone I mean iGurl. Anyway, Tuesday November 4th, 2008 was more than a monumental and historic moment in American history, it was also the drunkiest election ever!!! Citizens of the world were on a rampage and ready to explode. The Target, their minds!!

If you were in an apartment and not one of the many foot soldiers on the streets, take a gander at what the battle grounds of New York City looked like.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I wont forget the man who...America the beautiful. USA USA USA USA!!!!!

1 comment:

Ghostface Millah said...

what's funny about this is that Jordan has at least 10 more pictures of this guy...