Monday, October 13, 2008

Wake up....San Francisco

Greetings from San Fran! How I miss all of you and the endless supply of dirty dishes and mice poop. This city is great and very Paul Miller friendly. Damn veegans! I had to stop myself from walking a mile a minute on several occasions and singing the Full House theme song every chance I get. Geoff and Scott live in a lovely neighborhood filled with old and bald beefcakes that would migrate to jordan's asshole faster than he could swallow a block of feta. The club was packed just like the ritz but played tons of pop videos. UM did anyone know that Britney Murphy has a song and video out? Horrible! We went to napa valley yesterday, downed some cases of wine and then returned to SF for a dinner party where I managed to convince the gays to play cake fart! I had to give Pat credit for finding it but the reactions you get from this video are priceless...especially when the flames are out in full force! Thanks for bringing cake farts to the tv screen frosty! Geoff and I just returned from a bike ride throughout the city which included a stop at the beach and a Japanese tea garden. I only yelled Opal once! We are now going to go hunt down a Coffee Bean via the trolley. Watch out Emily Valentine, here I come! U4EA lives!
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