Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hitchcock on Broadway is Almost as Good as Hitching a Cock in my Mouth!

So, Paul's beautiful friend Jess and her boyfriend Mike were so kind as to treated us to a Broadway play, The 39 steps. It was so sweet of them! I'm not sure if it was the play, all the alcohol i guzzled moments before, or the fact that i was blazed out of my mind, but I had so much fun...after i realized where i was, of course. I think the best part was when Mikey wasn't there. Afterwards we ate India at that place no one goes into. I think its because of all the Indians {whispered}. According to my parents Indians killed Jesus and raped me when I was a baby, which explains a lot. If only I could remember that magical moment :( God bless Anmol and his ancestors.

Final Verdict : The 39 Steps is a staircase to HILARITY!!

1 comment:

Trudy said...

When I first saw this picture I thought that was Mr. Steve Frost's head. That would've been a different post ...